Sunday, August 3, 2008


I realized that I never mentioned what happened with the full manuscript that I sent Elana. Well, she passed on it. She was very nice, saying that she enjoyed reading it, but ultimately, didn't feel it was a right fit for her representation list. Sigh. At least she didn't simply say it stunk. Oh...wait...maybe that's what she really meant. But I don't think so. Most of the people I've 'met' either online or in person in the writing world are very, very, cool. With one glaring exception, everyone has been professional and supportive, yet honest. And with each new experience I'm learning how to look at my own work more objectively. Now I spot things that I don't think I could've seen before. So despite (or maybe because of) all the discouragement and frustration, I am becoming a better writer. Ah the process of becoming - so painful at times. So humbling. I just wish my learning curve from wherever I'm at to wherever I need to be was a bit shorter. But two days after getting that rejection, a different agent requested the first hundred pages, so that helped a bit. I just wish those pages were stronger. So that's what I'm working on now. Well, not right now, but in the near future.

I had to stop everything to read Stephenie Meyer's Breaking Dawn yesterday. Yep, I was a total bookworm. Jeff was very patient while I devoured all 700+ pages in twelve hours (I wish I could write as fast as I read). Needless to say, I loved it. She did a really good job twisting the story line around in unexpected ways and then ironing it all out for a very satisfying, if a little too neat, ending. I'd discuss my favorite parts, but I don't want to spoil the experience for anyone else. So go find a copy!

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