Sunday, November 2, 2008

Revisions, revisions

A year ago, if someone had told me that in order to write a book, I'd have to re-write it three times with several rounds of revisions in between, I might have quit before even beginning. It's truly a labor of love because even if I find an agent who sells my story, I'm not likely to earn more than 1 cent for every word I wrote. That's some seriously low wages. Once I'm done with this round of revisions on Devil's Key though, I won't do any more until an agent or publisher requests them. I'm finally at a place where I'm comfortable with what I've written and can honestly say that I've enjoyed the process. Hopefully, the lessons I've learned this time around will reduce the number of re-writes with the next story. Maybe. But as Shannon Hale wrote on her blog, the first draft has to exist before it can be changed into the draft that you keep.

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